Monday 10 April 2017

History of Film Industry - Ivan Olita

Film industry with time has gained a huge market and is expanding at a high rate. We can see the impact of this on our life and many other things. It is fields which make us see the dreams into reality. With time there are many things which have became better like technology, graphics etc. There are many more factors which are responsible for its expansion but we must know about its origin and how it came into existence. In this post, we will discuss about the history of film industry and Ivan Olita who is a professional film director will guide us through it.

 Ivan Olita
History of Film Industry

From the beginning of the industry, we have been provided with many unforgettable experiences. It all started at the time of world war, where it has became the source of entertainment but at the ground level. Now with time it became a major source of understanding culture, religion etc. Now at that time many producers started to make film to let peoples know about the social welfare, world war, its effects and what the causes of it.

Its main motive at that time is to make the world know about the things going on. This step is appreciated by the whole world and the cinematic world started gaining popularity and a new beginning of the film industry begun.

In the starting of 1930’s the Hollywood film industry emerged as one of the strongest, in the cinematic world and a new era of visualization has born. With time it regains its shape and size into a big business entertainment industry thus opening a bright future ahead. The motion picture gets started.

 The entrepreneur of the industry then started putting their best efforts for the betterment of it.
No longer from the simple format of cinema and basic form of entertainment, it was characterized by money, glamour and power spreading its blooming around the globe. Actors are reorganized world wide gaining huge name and fame by their great performances.

As we look up into the past we see our self transforming from black and white to colorful armored with high tech technologies and creativity. Now we can see the presentations of our dreams as we want to see it. From Charlie Chaplin to the Tom Cruise we can see a lot of transformation in this industry and has a potential to lift up further with time.

Monday 3 April 2017

Importance of A Film Director – Ivan Olita

Film Direction is the part of film industry in which the processing and making of the film is done. It is among one of the part of the industry which resembles and highlight the analyze, making and developing process. For all these things you must have a person who guide and lead the process of film making. A person who directs a film is called a Film Director. It’s his duty to build up the film and make it a memorable one.

 Ivan Olita
Importance of A Film Director

A person who directs has very huge responsibilities upon his shoulder. All the aspects of a film revolve around him and he is the one who lead all the crew and artist. This person is of the great importance in the film making. Some of them are –

Selection – It’s his duty to select the peoples for work. To select those who best suits and can frequently do their assigned job. This step is very important as they will be the part of your film.

Gathering Power – It has the abilities to gather all the members of the team. There are many peoples in the team with different views, thoughts and nature and assembling them as a unit is a much appreciated task. Not everyone has a leader capabilities but the way it can handle things is extraordinary.

Creativity and Innovation – One must be creative in his work. A person who always tries to do something creative which will be appreciated by the viewers. The person should also look for innovation in his work. Always try to do better than before.

Responsibility of the film – He takes the full responsibility of the film making and its all aspects. If the film gets good views and reviews, it’s his responsibility to accept the success and failure both.

For e.g. – Ivan Olita is a professional film director and founder of the BRAVO company based in New York. He has successful directed many films under his belt.

A Film Director has a very great importance in the film industry and will always be. A person with brilliant qualities and skills is the most important part of the film.

Friday 24 March 2017

Tips To Be A Professional Film Director - Ivan Olita

Film Direction is a part of directing something ordinary into special. It is a way of making something interesting. A person who directs the film is a film director. A director is the leader in the making of a film. He is in the charge while shooting. He is the person under whose guidance the making of the film takes place. Generally he is the person who controls each and every person, aspects and visualization process. He is the main person while choosing the crew for the film. His basic work is to take the best from others.

Tips to be a Professional Film Director

He tries to make other understand his view and the rest act according to it. He chooses each and every aspect in film making. For being a successful film director one must have some qualities like –

Creative – He should be creative in his thoughts, views and ideas. Creativity is always appreciated and accomplished. A good film director always tries to bring something new every time. It is the quality of producing something from nothing.

Innovative – One should be innovative in his work. Always efforts to do better every time.

Team Leader – One must have this quality, as director is the only person who leads the artist and all other crew members. Always stay in front in every situation and tries to solve problems as fast as possible.

Understandable – There are many things which one should understand like demands and conditions in making the film. What will be the benefits and act accordingly.

The director should take all the responsibility upon him. Any kind of benefits and looses directly indicates his work. One should be passionate and dedicated towards work, only than the best results will show off.

Anyone can become a film director; some start as a writer, actor or assist a director and then after gaining knowledge start their carrier as a director. The director should know that what viewers want to see? What they like and what they want.

For e.g. – Ivan Olita is a professional Film Director, who has directed several films and is credited for many successful film direction. With his quality skills and creativity, has gain a huge name and fame in the film direction industry.

Film Direction is a process of making something special or extraordinary from a normal thing. A way of expressing yourself to the world in the visualization format, depends on your work and dedication.